Tweet Archive for hashtag “#Minions”

RT @Kirluvjed: @MommaJedward Ahhh deadly. Can’t wait 2 hear what it is & check it out when it’s on 😃🙌 & I luv der #minions pics from 2day.…

12:03pm May 31 2017 —

RT @kirstysjepic: @MommaJedward They look like there having a blast 😝 #despicableme3 #minions

11:44am May 31 2017 —

RT @Universal_Irl: Our #Minions Kevin & Stuart are hanging out with @planetjedward ahead of @bloominthepark this morning! 💛🍌👬#DespicableMe3…

11:35am May 31 2017 —